
Monday, September 3, 2012


A few weeks ago, while my senior blogger friend Brian Gardner went surfing on the internet because he was heavily bored on a Friday night, quietly I followed him and wanted to know what he has gotten. I was then surprised because I found him catching a wave that took him for a unexpected ride. What’s that ? Please follow his next interesting story below.
I ended up on Squarespace , and practically fell out of my chair when I saw how incredibly awesome their site design was. For grins I signed up for a trial account just to see what it was all about, and while I was there I fell deeper in love when I saw their UI design.
Recently at StudioPress we’ve been refining our approach to theme design. You may have noticed a subtle trend which includes a fresh design and focus on typography and spacing. As screen resolutions get bigger and the capability of showcasing the web is increasing, we want to extend this approach to our users. So we’re updating our selection of themes, as well as the upcoming design of Genesis 1.9.
Breathability and Spaciousness
One of the things that I like most about the Squarespace design is just how open it feels. Maybe I’m weird, but I’ve developed a claustrophobia of sorts when it comes to viewing websites. Too many sites feel crammed and are extremely hard to read with small font. In my opinion, having 20px of padding around content areas used to be enough, but lately I’ve decided that 40px should be the new minimum. And that’s at a minimum, because in some cases I think that it should be more. Who here thinks that this is a depiction of a good readability experience? Certainly not me. Perhaps a little spacing, larger font and a lot of whitespace would do the trick? So I took matters into my own hands and gave myself a fresh coat of paint. Or lacktherof.
Welcome to My New Digs, Yo!
Kick off your shoes and show yourself around. Things are in the same place, just a little less dust. Much is the same, in other words, is really what I’m trying to say. In fact, I simply recycled the previous theme I was using by customizing just the CSS and renamed it “Surfacing”. For those of you who know me, that name should make sense. One thing that is new for me is a custom homepage, so be sure to check that out.
What are your thoughts about the new look? Or about minimalist design in general? Give me a shout down in the comments, and let’s talk about it!



kunjungan menjalin persahabatan, pak Tomo

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

@Nedi Arwandi : It's a pleasure. Thanks for your comments