
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama’s Speech at the University of Indonesia

In the event of a visit to Indonesia, President of the United States, Barack Obama came to the University of Indonesia (UI) in Depok, near Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/10). When he started talking, Obama greeted thousands of listeners in that campus with typical familiarity utterances of Indonesia, such as "Selamat Pagi (Good Morning" and "Assalamualaikum" while he expressed his pleasure to return to Indonesia.

In his speech he stated that Indonesia is a part of him. "Indonesia bagian dari diri saya," Obama said in Indonesian language fluently. Then he continued his lecture with a brief but striking sentence, such as " Pulang kampung nih (Go home to my village)" which greeted by thunderous applause and a boisterous laughter from the audiences.

Obama also described the profound impressions about Indonesia and Jakarta
where he had ever lived during he was at elementary school. He said that he likes Indonesian foods, like : "Satai”, “emping”, “krupuk”, meatballs, and delicious fried rice.

President Obama explained, in the stage of development, he never expected when he first saw Jakarta. "There was only the Hotel Indonesia and one Sarinah shopping center. Now, the development is already growing rapidly, " he said.

Obama praised Indonesia, including praising its motto “Binneka Tunggal Ika” or Unity in Diversity, and “Panca Sila” or Five Principles.. According to Obama, Unity in Diversity is the foundation for development and democracy. That could be an example to the world in the 21st century.

In Addition, President Obama said, there are three areas which are fundamental in building Indonesia, namely : development, democracy, and religion.

He said that he never imagined connectedness between Jakarta and Chicago. In a democracy, President Obama called Indonesia is a country that adopted a democratic right. He also said that from Sabang to Merauke it should be able to implement democracy. "Development and democracy must grow in tandem in this archipelago," he added seriously.

It is said, Indonesia has also become an example of the transparency. "Having a strong leader in anticipating climate change. We also want education to be strengthened. We want a lot of U.S. students who study in Indonesia and vice versa," said President Obama.

(DS. Utomo)


Setyo-Utomo Said said...

If you have any comment or suggestion, please leave it here. Your great comment would add value to this article !

Multibrand said...

Pak Utomo,

Although Obama's visit only lasts for 18-19 hours, but was meaningful
and beneficial for Indonesia.

Our leaders should follow the way he won the hearts of his audience i,e, Indonesian people who watch him delivered his speech and how he humbly greeted everyone via TV.

Let's hope that SBY will now have more self confidence in doing his job as president.

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

I fully agree 100 % with you, mas Harry.
Now we need a truly charismatic person like Obama in this country !

Anonymous said...

Although your blog named Fish Pond but it covers news and politics too. But it's ok. I like your blog.

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Here "fish" means "information". So FISH POND is the pond for all kind of information on the web.

Multibrand said...

Pak Utomo,
I am back looking for updates to your blog.

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Thanks, mas Harry ! Am just preparing some articles carefully in order to get original unique content.

Multibrand said...

Hi Pak,
I am back

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Thanks, mas Harry ! You always remind me to updating my blog.